HRT in Arizona

Our body's endocrine system consists of glands and hormones which they produce. The endocrine system controls all the functions in the body by regulating hormone levels.

The role of our hormones and their level is crucial for our well-being and overall health. After a certain age, in both men and women, hormone levels start to decrease, and in order to maintain their youthful vigor, hormone replacement therapies such as estrogen replacement are used.

Hormone Replacement Treatment 
in Arizona

Have you been wondering, "Where can I find hormone replacement therapy near me?" Our team at Keystone Medical Wellness can help you!

What are the different types of hormones?

Endocrine glands that produce hormones can be found throughout our body. Some of them are in our brain, throat, and abdomen. Each and every gland is responsible for producing and regulating hormone levels of one or more hormones.

Hormonal imbalance usually means that there's a problem with one or more endocrine glands. Depending on the hormone, you will display different signs and symptoms. For example:

  • Estrogen – regulates the menstrual cycle in women and controls the sex drive in both men and women
  • Cortisol – controls the level of stress
  • Testosterone – also controls the sex drive in both men and women
  • Insulin – regulates the level of sugar in our bloodstream

When endocrine glands don't produce hormones at the proper levels, we experience hormonal imbalance. The imbalance can happen when you have a hormone deficiency, and when you have a hormone overflow.

Hormonal imbalance in men

Women aren't the only ones that can struggle with hormonal imbalance. Men also produce a variety of hormones necessary for their overall well-being. One of those is testosterone.

Testosterone is produced mainly in testicles, and it is responsible for manly features such as:

  • Body and facial hair
  • Muscle tone and bone density
  • Deeper voice

Testosterone is also known to influence the production of sperm and affects sex drive. It also plays a huge role in weight gain and where the fat deposits will be accumulated.

In addition to testosterone, men also produce estrogen. As men age, their testosterone levels will decrease, but the estrogen level will rise. This decrease in testosterone levels is known as andropause or male menopause. Men usually experience low testosterone levels due to hypogonadism when the testes cannot produce the required amount of testosterone.

Signs of low testosterone levels may include:

  • Low sex drive
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Lower bone density
  • Trouble concentrating

Testosterone Replacement

Men who have been diagnosed with low testosterone can significantly benefit from Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Boosting testosterone levels are known to increase energy levels, sex drive, muscle mass and increase bone density.
There are many forms of TRT, including gels, injections, patches, and long-acting hormone pellets placed under the skin.

Hormonal imbalance in women

Hormones found inside your body are crucial for overall health and well-being. They affect women's reproductive systems and regulate the functionality of vital systems in their bodies.

Proper ratios of hormones promote optimal health and well-being. However, an imbalance of hormones can manifest in various ways throughout the body. It can take a toll on your quality of life.

When a hormone imbalance is accurately identified, the imbalance can be corrected which will reduce the symptoms and health risks.

Progesterone and estrogen are the two primary female hormones. The majority of these hormones are produced by the ovaries. However, they can be made in other tissues as well.

Both of these hormones are mainly known for their role in regulating the female reproductive system but they are also responsible for the health of the cardiac system, metabolism, skin health (thickness and elasticity), and emotional health.

When the levels of estrogen, progesterone, or both are altered, women experience hormonal imbalance. The imbalance of these two very important and powerful female hormones can be caused by various factors, but the most well-known is perimenopause.  This is a transitional phase right before women enter menopause. During this phase, the levels of both estrogen and progesterone start to decline.

Other causes of hormonal imbalance can be related to contraceptives, pregnancy, cancer medication, endocrine disorders, and lifestyle factors like stress, obesity, or poor diet.

Depending on what hormone is out of balance, women can display a variety of symptoms.

Estrogen imbalance, depending on whether you have an abundance of the hormone or lack of it, can cause the following :

Lack of estrogen

  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Headache
  • Depression
  • Bone loss

Abundance of estrogen

  • Swollen and tender breasts
  • Anxiety
  • Weight gain
  • Irregular periods
  • Fatigue

Progesterone regulates a woman's reproductive system, helps reduce body fat, aids relaxation, minimizes anxiety levels, and stimulates hair growth. When imbalanced, it can cause symptoms such as:

  • Headache
  • Depression
  • Low sex drive
  • Hot flashes
  • Irregular periods

The rise and fall of hormone levels can be natural and sometimes can be caused by injury or disease. Conditions and symptoms can overlap.  It's important to seek professional help through hormone level testing.  These tests will help determine which hormone is out of balance and what the cause is.

Estrogen Replacement Therapy

As women approach menopause, the levels of naturally produced estrogen start to decrease. This can cause various symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. To relieve these symptoms and replace the low-level estrogen, women can use estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), which is a type of hormone replacement treatment. Estrogen Replacement helps relieve the symptoms of menopause, protects against osteoporosis (thinning and loss of bone mass), and lowers the risks of developing breast cancer.

Women's Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone, just like estrogen, is a hormone that is present both in men and women. However, women produce about 1/10th to 1/20th of the amount of testosterone as men. Regardless of quantity, testosterone also plays a crucial role in a woman's body regarding:

  • Bone health
  • Breast health
  • Menstrual health and cycle
  • Fertility
  • Sex drive
  • Mental health

Testosterone replacement therapy would be appropriate for women if she is experiencing a low level of energy, fatigue, low libido, depression, irritability, brittle bones, and ERT hasn't yielded the desired results.

Bioidentical Hormone Pellets

Bioidentical hormones come from plants, unlike synthetics, which come from animals. Since their chemical composition is more similar to natural testosterone found in your body, bioidentical hormones are superior to synthetic hormones.

Hormone pellets are the shape and size of a grain of rice. They are inserted under the skin in the hip area. They release small amounts of hormones (estrogen, testosterone etc.) directly into the bloodstream, mimicking the human body's natural process.

Menopause Therapy

Not every woman will experience severe menopause symptoms that will disrupt her everyday life. Many women find that their symptoms are mild and go away on their own.

Women that experience uncomfortable menopause will require therapy. Menopause therapy consists of medication prescribed by a doctor to treat various hormone imbalance symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

During menopause, a woman's ovaries can produce very low levels of estrogen and progesterone. The goal of hormone therapy is to replace some of these hormones with artificial ones.

Hormonal imbalance

Different life transitions, such as andropause/menopause, can cause hormonal imbalance.

What are the common symptoms/signs of hormone imbalance?

Different hormone imbalances can cause various symptoms/signs. Common problems usually include:

For Men:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight fluctuation (weight gain and weight loss)
  • Temperature sensitivity
  • Dry skin
  • Increased or decreased heart rate

For Women:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight fluctuation (weight gain and weight loss)
  • Irregular and painful menstrual cycles
  • Dry skin
  • Osteoporosis (weak and brittle bones)
  • Irritability and depression
  • Vaginal dryness

The imbalance of different hormones can cause the same symptoms, which can be misleading. To better understand which hormone imbalance is causing the problem, hormone level testing should be conducted.

Through hormone level testing, we will target the source of the problem. If you're struggling with any of the possible symptoms, you should contact us to schedule your hormone test. 

Hormone Imbalance Testing

There is a variety of tests to detect hormonal imbalance.  A blood test is the most commonly used to determine hormone levels. We can see your testosterone levels, estrogen, cortisol, and even thyroid hormone levels through this test.

Saliva can also be tested for hormone levels such s as progesterone, testosterone, and estradiol.

If you're worried about symptoms that are bothering you, the first step is to test your hormone levels. Depending on the results, our doctor will know whether you need further testing to identify the cause of the imbalance or to pursue the right treatment.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Treatment

Growth hormones are in charge of regulating body composition, body fluids, muscle, and bone growth. Adults who suffer from a growth hormone deficiency can have weight gain problems, lose weight, dry skin, and fatigue.

GHT is administered daily by injections underneath the skin in the lower abdomen. They can be administered through a syringe and needle or through an easy-to-use pen delivery device. Treatment in adults has shown positive effects on:

  • Body composition and bone mineral content
  • Physical performance
  • Blood lipid profile
  • Psychological well-being.

Low Libido

Low libido is described as decreased interest in sexual activity. It's very common to lose interest from time to time, and our libido levels can vary throughout our lives. However, persistent and constant low levels of libido can cause some concerns. It can be a symptom of an underlying health problem. In men, the most common cause of low libido is low levels of testosterone.

If you're looking for the HRT Arizona trusts, turn to Keystone Medical Wellness. Our comprehensive treatment programs are tailored to your specific needs.

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